
Cindy, there aren't many times that I am at a loss for words when it comes to acknowledging appreciation, gratitude and thoughtfulness in someone that has helped me through so much in the last 14-15 months. You have no idea how wonderfull I feel!  I'm so thankful that you were able to accept me as a new client/patient that day in March last year when I called. Most certainly my life's path could have been very different.
I believe everything that happens, everyone you meet, encounter or what-have-you, happens for a reason. You ARE one of those people for me! I'm so apprecaitative and grateful that you helped me find my smile again!! ☺ I sincerely can't thank you enough!

Thank you so, so much for all you've done for me and helped me through,
I'll be forever grateful!  --A.L.

My husband and I had reached a crossroads in our marriage. We no longer respected each others time, and we were beginning to head in different directions, vastly affecting how we functioned as a family. Cindy took the time and listened to our wish to change. She gave excellent, supportive advice and addressed both of our needs, while making us see that as a couple, we still had a strong marriage. She had great insight, and without her, I'm not sure we would be where we are today, happy. All of this was done in a very peaceful, comfortable environment and one we wouldn't hesitate to revisit if the need arose again.  --T.G.

We have benefited greatly from our work with Cindy. Learning ways to incorporate kindness, mindfulness and constructive conflict resolution has made our marriage feel easier and more fulfilling. --S.B.

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8:00 am-12:00 pm


12:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-10:00 am



