
What is Mindfulness? How can it help?

Mindfulness is a way of living your day to day life. It is about being present in the moment and living fully in each moment. When we live mindfully we naturally experience a greater sense of calmness and well being.  Additionally we become more resilient and better able to handle the challeges we face in daily life.
Mindfulness psychotherapy is a research based treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma, emotional dysregulation and chronic pain.  In my practice I combine Mindfulness with Solution Focused Therapy to help clients make changes in their life and achieve their goals.  Mindfulness is equally effective for adults, teens and children.  The mindfulness skills learned in therapy become lifelong strategies that can be used in a variety of situations and life circumstances. 

How Does MIndfulness Increase Well Being?
Mindfulness psychotherapy helps to decrease mental and emotional distress through actively developing mental clarity, inner calm, and greater resilience.  When we are mindful we are better able to accept things as they actually are, rather than trying to make them how we want them to be.  When we do this we experience increased well-being and are able to respond more skillfully in difficult situations. 

“...this journey is uniquely yours, no one else's. So the path has to be your own. You cannot imitate somebody else's journey and still be true to yourself. Are you prepared to honor your uniqueness in this way?”

― Jon Kabat-Zinn

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8:00 am-12:00 pm


12:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-10:00 am



