Individual Therapy

There are many reasons why people come to therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with challenges like anxiety or depression. Other times it is in response to unexpected changes in the family, work or school situation. Working with a therapist can help provide insight, support, and new strategies for all types of life challenges. I offer individual therapy for adults and teens.


Individual therapy is as unique and individual as the person seeking the therapy. Many people believe that therapy is only for those who have significant mental health issues like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.  However, most of the people who come to me are simply experiencing sadness or anxiety because of challenges they aren’t able to resolve. Often they say to me, “I just don’t enjoy life like I used to.”  Or “I don’t like the person I have become.”  Other times people say, “I want to make changes in my life, but I don’t know where to start.”  All of these are excellent reasons to try therapy.
My clients consistently report positive outcomes from their experience in therapy.  The positive changes include a greater sense of well-being, improved mood, increased self-worth, less stress, and improved communication skills in their relationships


 The teen years can be very challenging at home, school and with peers.  This can lead to stress, anxiety, sadness, and sometimes poor decisions.  Both teens and their parents can feel confused or overwhelmed when this happens. Working with a therapist who understands the challenges of both teens and their parents, can help get things back on track before the situation becomes too serious. The earlier the intervention, the more quickly the challenges will be resolved.  Examples of common problems that can be addressed in therapy include anxiety, depression, conflicts with peers, trauma and loss, and stressful events like divorce.

Your teen’s treatment will be more successful with your involvement. How much the parent(s) are involved depends on the particular situation. I will give you updates on your teen’s progress. Additionally you are welcome to call to discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding your child or their therapy.

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Office Hours




8:00 am-12:00 pm


12:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-10:00 am



